All trees bring much beauty to a landscape. Nevertheless, they may turn out to be frail, although in most cases, they seem to be stable and healthy. In such a scenario, it would be best to get tree assessment services to assess the trees within your property or compound to establish if they pose any risk soon.
With that said, it’s best to learn several factors about tree assessment services to have the most out of them. Keep reading!
Tree Assessment Services: What Does It Involve?

Tree assessment is a process that entails a visual evaluation of a particular tree to guarantee that they’re safe for the property and environment around them. The procedure is often performed by a certified arborist. The arborist evaluates the tree and establishes the possibility of falling branches or the entire tree.
The Advantages of Tree Assessment Services
The main role of tree assessment is to determine if they pose any risk to the immediate person and environment. Once the dangers have been established, the next thing is finding methods of mitigating the dangers. Besides safety, other advantages of tree assessment services are:
• Preserve tree aesthetics. Any recommendations that a tree arborist points across will assist in enhancing the look of the tree – this has a tremendous effect on the look of the whole landscape.
• Preserve tree health. There are diseases in a tree that can easily go unnoticed by someone who isn’t an expert. With an in-depth tree assessment, it’s easier to pinpoint the dangers and take immediate precautions to mitigate the impacts.
What Does Professional Tree Assessment Services Entail?

There are specific elements that a qualified arborist looks for when evaluating a tree, among the problems that such professionals check are:
• Cracks
• Girdling roots
• Leaning
• Issues with the root plate
• Insects & diseases
• Decay
• Non-defects
• Co-dominant leaders
How to Perform a Tree Assessment Process
An arborist considers numerous factors when inspecting a tree. The following are the considerations:
• Tree history. Any tree’s history involves the number of past branches that might have fallen, the size, and the presence of pests.
• Tree vigor. An arborist usually evaluates the tree vigor by checking the leaf coloring, bark condition, and canopy density.
• Crown density. Any tree consisting of a thin crown density signifies that it isn’t doing great. In such a scenario, the tree’s top center branches seem to contain a fewer leaf density in comparison to the rest of the tree.
• Species profile. Noting the profile of its species assists in identifying whether it may survive terrible weather conditions. For example, trees containing shallow roots cannot survive stiff wind and could be a danger in regions prone to such harsh weather conditions
• Consequences of failure. It’s the choice made by the arborist depending on the outcome of the assessment. In case the tree has much value to the environment, an arborist may suggest periodic pruning to manage the threat that it poses. If the tree poses danger to the environment, an arborist may suggest the tree be removed.
• Possibility of failure. After the arborists finish the evaluation, they’ll offer a score of a tree, if it’s a fail or if it will succeed later on. Low scores are usually unlikely.
It would be best to have your trees evaluated at least once every winter and once during summer. Nevertheless, you should contact a qualified tree assessment service to get the job correctly done. Make sure that the service provider has relevant experience and has gained a great reputation in the market before considering their services.