Grow Avocado in Northern California: What you need to know

Basic Facts About The Avocado Tree
The avocado tree is a tropical/subtropical fast-growing fruit tree. Unlike many other fruit trees that go dormant during winter (when temperatures are too low), the avocado tree doesn’t ‘hibernate’. It is worth noting that the avocado tree will continue growing and developing even in winter, though slower than it should. This is one of the critical factors you need to consider when/if you are planning to venture into avocado farming.
There are also two varieties of avocado; Type A and Type B. The only differentiating factor between the two is how their flowers open up. For instance, type “A” avocado opens up its female flower in the morning and male in the afternoon. On the other hand, type “B” opens up its male flower in the morning and female in the afternoon. For this reason, farmers need to have at least one avocado tree from each variety to facilitate pollination. Both types A and B can cross-pollinate, which farmers take advantage of to improve production and profitability.
It’s worth noting that bloom times for these varieties may vary from year to year. It is therefore advisable to have several pollinator varieties in your garden or farm to improve the chances of pollination and fertilization. Fertilization is however only optimal when humidity levels are excellent, and temperature is between 60- and 80-degrees Fahrenheit.

How To Grow Avocado Trees in Your Backyard (In California)
The proper way to grow avocados is by ordering an avocado tree (or sprouting seed in a nursery), transplanting it to the garden, and watching it grow. It is especially satisfying watching your avocado tree grow to the fruiting stage and eventually enjoying the fruits. As long as conditions are right, it shouldn’t be long before your sprouts are ready for transplanting. This is particularly so for southern California, as the climate is just right for avocado trees.
As mentioned before, avocados don’t do well in cold weather but thrive in warmer climates. Cold chills and freezing temperatures can damage the plant, a reason they don’t do so well in Northern California. It would therefore be advisable to start growing your avocado trees when the temperature is warmer (e.g., spring) and the soil loose enough. Loose or sandy soil is recommended for these plants.
Where To Plant Your Avocados
Create a mound as big/tall as the container the seedling was shipped in. With the mound ready, transplant the tree carefully in the middle and ensure it is well anchored. Next, plant the secondary plant a safe distance from the seedling in another mound. To grow healthy, the young tree will need to be partially shaded from strong sun rays and wind. It will however be a matter of time before they are strong enough to withstand the hot sun and winds.
It would also be advisable to pair avocado trees together and as a group. This is essential to improve the chances of pollination and fertilization of Avocado. Growing only one avocado could lower the chances of pollination as you’d only be relying on pollinators such as bees and other carriers to pollinate. Pairing two varieties, however, boost pollination and the likelihood of good yield.
Growing avocados in Southern California shouldn’t be a problem as the climate and soil are just right for the plant. There’s also plenty of space in the backyard for growing several plants.

Can Avocados Grow in Northern California?
Despite the colder temperatures, it is possible to grow avocados in North California. Proper planning and research are key to growing avocados and enjoying your first fruit. You first need to identify avocado trees that do well in cold climates, especially in Northern CA. Fuerte or Mexicola is considerably the best type of avocado to grow here.
Although this variety may be tolerant to freezing temperatures, it may still need to be shielded from such to grow well. You can protect it from the cold weather by:
* Planting it between other plants
* Wrapping it with a warm fabric, e.g., burlap.
* Mulching the avocado tree trunk to shield it from extreme temperature fluctuations
* Planting the tree next to a corner or exterior wall to protect it from cold air.
Even with these measures in place, the plant may still suffer from the cold temperature. You may thus need to take whatever means necessary to help keep it warm, especially if it is freezing outside. The chances of your plant surviving depend on how dedicated you are to protecting it from cold. It is worth noting that, while the plant may survive, chances are it won’t produce as much fruit as it would in warmer areas.

How To Grow Avocado From Seed
Almost every Californian knows how to grow avocado from seed. All you need is to suspend the avocado seed in water for about 12 days to start germinating. Some seeds can, however, take up to 6 weeks to sprout. The correct way to do this is to use toothpicks to suspend the seed in water. Be sure to keep the pointed part of the seed facing upward to allow for easier sprouting.
As exciting as it might be watching your seed sprout into a seedling, it will be a while (not less than 8 years) before the tree can start bearing any fruit. Avocado trees grown from seed need up to a decade to be able to produce fruit. You can also slash the time to half if you buy an avocado tree instead. You could even try growing your avocado plant from seed if you own the property and don’t intend to move in 10 years. Lots of patience is needed to wait for this long when you can achieve the same results with a grafted plant.
Grafted avocado seedlings only need about four years to produce fruit, compared to 8 for those grown from seed. In addition to this, planting your avocado outside the USDA zones 9 – 11 reduces your chances of ever getting fruit. Even with the grafted plants, you still have to ensure conditions are just right for the avocado to grow well, especially within the first four years. This isn’t however necessary for those living in the southern parts of California as it’s warmer there.
Buying an avocado tree gives you the much-needed head start, especially with the unfavorable weather. You only need to walk to the local greenery to buy an already grafted avocado tree, then transplant it into your garden.

Where To Plant Your Avocado Tree
To plant the avocado tree, build a mound almost the size of the container using loose soil. Make sure the mold is as tall as the container to allow for the proper development of roots. Next, make a hole at the center of the mound, then transplant the tree to it carefully. Follow the same steps for the second tree.
Ensure both of these trees are shielded from direct sunlight. Younger trees are quite delicate and should be protected for some time until the roots have set. It would be advisable to plant avocado trees in pairs and closely to encourage pollination. Planting only one tree may reduce the chances of getting a good yield.
How To Care for An Avocado Tree
Transplanting is the only tricky part of growing an avocado tree. Caring for it is the easy part. For the best results, start by watering the plant with plenty of water (freshwater) twice per week for 1 year. Reduce the frequency to once per week after the 12 months, and only increase the watering rate if temperatures are too high outside. Use more water to water your avocado trees during summer to improve their growth rate.
Fertilizer is essential during the first few years of the plant’s growth. Avocado food or citrus fertilizer are recommended every once in a while. You however should avoid applying too much fertilizer, as doing so could harm the plant.
Pruning is vital for the plant’s health and growth. Make a habit of pruning branches and leaves during winter or spring. You also need to ensure the plant is free of pests as well.
Mostly Asked Questions About Growing Avocados
Harvesting Avocados - When can i harvest my Avocados?
Nothing is more satisfying than seeing your avocado tree bear fruit through to the harvesting period. Proper planning is needed when harvesting your fruit. It’s advisable to harvest the fruit just before it ripens, not after it has matured. Simply ‘twist and pull’ for a clean-cut to harvest the fruit. Fruits ready for harvesting require minimal effort when harvesting from their branches.
How To Ripen Your Avocados
The process of ripening avocados is pretty straightforward. Simply place the fruit in partial sunlight to trigger the ripening process. You could put the fruit in the kitchen or on a countertop that receives plenty of sunshine. The ripening process can also be accelerated by placing the avocados next to apples or other ripe fruits. Ripe fruits produce ethylene gas responsible for triggering the ripening process.
How do i store my Avocados?
No special equipment is needed to store your avocados. You can keep the ripe avocados in a box, bowl, or basket but away from direct sunlight. Keeping them in a cold place can help extend their shelf life by around 2 days. For sliced avocados, spray some lemon juice on the avocado and keep it in a closed container. The citric acid will help preserve the avocado flesh by inhibiting oxidation. You could also use fresh water instead of lime juice for the same purpose.
Can Avocados Be Grown Indoors?
It’s possible to grow avocado indoors. You might however want to stick to a grafted dwarf tree if considering doing so. Avocados grown indoors may not produce as much fruit as those grown outdoors. They still make excellent ornamental plants in the house.
Types Of Avocados That Can Be Grown in California
Hass avocados are considered the best type of avocado to grow in California. It is one of the most expensive varieties of avocado on the market. Other varieties that may grow well include Gwen, lamp Hass, Bacon, Fuerte, Zutano, Pinkerton, Reed, and several other crosses.
Which Is the Best Avocado Tree for Southern California
We all have different tastes and preferences. The best avocado is basically up to you. The different types of avocados out there have varying textures, tastes, and productivity. Many people, however, prefer Hass and Reed to other varieties.
Where Are Avocados Grown In California
From Monterey to San Diego, most parts of Southern California have a favorable climate for avocado farming, with farms spanning 50,000 acres. San Diego and Ventura are among California’s top avocado-producing cities, with more than 3000 farmers.
For more help, please call Bloom Tree Trimming Service, Stockton, CA (209) 285-2326